If you are off on your travels around Europe or have a desired destination in mind, like Iceland in a rented camper with Rent.is, or in Dubai at a luxury villa basking in the sunlight, there are some things that you will need to take in to consideration in order to have a safe and comfortable trip. Don’t you worry though – this helpful checklist/guide will be sure to have you covered!
- Passport
Of course, a passport is the most important thing that anyone needs when travelling abroad. Make sure that your passport is kept safe at all times as you will not be able to enter (or leave!) the country without it. Your passport will also come in handy as an extra form of identification for various hotel bookings etc.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is a medical card which can be used throughout the EU and in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. This card entitles you to the same treatment in state hospitals that the residents of that country receive. If they get free treatment, you will also get free treatment and not have to worry about the hefty bill after recovery. If they get discounted healthcare, so will you.
An EHIC is issued free of charge and is a logical must-have for your travels. The intention of the scheme is to allow people to continue their stay in a country without having to return home for medical care. The EHIC also covers the treatment of pre-existing medical conditions and routine maternity care, provided the reason for your visit is not specifically to give birth or seek treatment. Click Here for more information regarding the EHIC scheme.
- Flight Booking Confirmation
Another necessity! You won’t be going anywhere in a hurry if you can’t prove that you have a ticket for your flight. Booking confirmations are perfect back ups in the unfortunate case that you lose your tickets.
- Guide Book
You will never run out of things to do around Europe if you have a trusty guide book at hand. These can be found for just about any location and will provide you with hundreds of activities and ideas that will make your stay the best experience possible.
- A Good Travel Read
As well as a guide book, there is nothing more wonderful than getting lost in your favourite novel while on the plane or taking in your wonderful new surroundings. A good travel read will enhance your travel experience greatly and remind you of the amazing memories you had.
- Headphones
Music is our best friend and a pair of headphones will come in handy for those long haul journeys and occasional loud hostels.
So, are you ready for your next adventure in Europe? You certainly will get a greater peace of mind if you have these necessities. Happy travels!