Presidential Suite – Is It Worth The Price?

Not that the hotel you’re trying to make a reservation at goes out of their way to let you know of the availability of their equivalent of the presidential suite, but if you were looking to spend that much on a luxurious bed to spend the night sleeping in and everything else to go with that luxury, then the proverbial red carpet is rolled out for you. This is nothing more than a power-play because it’s a matter of money and nothing much else really.

However, even if you can indeed afford the hefty price tag slapped on the presidential suite, is it worth it?

The short answer is no, but I’m sure that’s not going to satisfy you, so allow me to elaborate.

Presidential suites are for those people who don’t need to enquire about their price when they want to stay in them and frankly they’re for those people who really expect to lodge in such comfort, style and luxury. So if you have to think about how much it’ll cost you then it’s definitely not worth the price.

Sure, you might perhaps have won some money which is burning a hole in your pocket and has you itching to spend it on something senseless but rewarding, in which case splashing out on a presidential suite might seem like a very good idea. This is typically a scenario which plays out in a casino hotel setting in which situation the casino which houses the resident hotel pretty much offers you the presidential suite as just one of many ways through which to try and get back some or ideally all of the money you’ve won off of them. It really does happen – you get offered the presidential suite in somewhat of an ambiguous fashion where there’s a subtle absence of the operative words which would suggest that you’re being offered it for free. If the hotel or casino floor manager mentions the presidential suite without explicitly throwing in the word “complimentary” or the phrase “on the house”, chances are it’ll come out of your winnings, something you’ll only be made aware of when you check out in the morning.

So insist on clarifying whether or not it is indeed a complimentary offer, otherwise you will find out in perhaps the best most telling way possible that the insane amount of money spent on a presidential suite isn’t really worth it. If anything it goes by way too fast – the night that you spend in the suite, that is – and you really don’t get any real opportunity to savour the luxuries and comforts which come with it.

Now, apart from the national lottery results confirming that you’ve won big, the only time you would be able to justify spending insane amounts on a luxurious hotel room would be if you weren’t footing the bill for it personally. That’s why they’re called presidential suites – it’s often the taxpayers who ultimately foot the bill for their high-ranking political officials to lodge in such insanely expensive rooms.

About Simon 131 Articles
A keen traveller and blogger who loves to explore the most amazing hotels in the world and enjoys nothing more than relaxing in luxury surroundings. When i'm not travelling and writing like to spend time with family and friends